Saturday, June 27, 2009

i do puzzles when left behind

Well this week has pretty much completely sucked! All of my friends ditched me to go on super fun vacations and i have been stuck here working!

Sunday Debbie left on a super fun road trip to PA with her friend Kathy who was moving back there. It was fun to read her tweets while on the road and let me say she didn't have all fun and games but over all i think she enjoyed her trip. She is flying back tomorrow, i can't wait to hear all about it on Tuesday when i work with her. that is if I'm not too busy working!

Monday Tara and Kristin flew down to Vegas for a 4 day 3 night party! i also was able to live through their tweets but it just made me want to go down to Vegas myself. Which in turn sparked my desire to go broke and spontaneously go down to Vegas during my vacation for my birthday. i was nearly completely committed when i decided to think about it. Damn being a responsible adult. i knew i couldn't afford the trip! it is unbelievable how disappointed i can be in losing something i never really had. i also started a puzzle this day in hopes to bring some entertainment to my week... little did i know that puzzles (or at least this one) are HARD!

Tuesday i worked at 4 am then came home and slept for 4 hrs then went to see Transformers 2 at midnight with mat... going to work right afterwards (meaning NO sleep for me) I gotta say the movie was really great and totally worth o sleep and standing in line for 2 HOURS!!

Wednesday after another 4 hour nap i was headed to Muckelshoot casino with Laura (after everyone else at worked backed out) to see Chippendale's! we arrived there about an hour and a half early and thought we would grab a bite to eat before the show. We saw a line and at first thought it was the line for the deli... little did we know that people had been standing in like for hours to get into see Chippendale's. We heard the manager announce that you had to have a bracelet to get inside and that the had already ran out of bracelets. so our hour drive was for nothing! We turned around and drove back to Kirkland for dinner at Olive Garden. it wasn't all bad because i was able to hang out with busy Laura for a little bit!

Today mat left with his friend Elliott to head up to Laura's truller for Daryl's Birthday party! i am unable to go with them because i have to work 4pm to midnight tonight. i was going to make the hr and a half drive by myself once i got off but it turns out i have to work at 3pm tomorrow and so i don't really find it worth it because it will just make going to work tomorrow that much worse.

So pretty much this entire week was full of let down and disappointment with the exception of Transformers 2 (which actually got really bad reviews... so sad) I'm hoping to make next week a little better! i an going roller blading (roller skating for me) with Kate on Monday. Tuesday is my birthday present day with Tara and I'm considering going to Laura's brothers house on Friday for their 3rd of July party. I'm disappointed that i have to work on the 4Th of July but there if a fireworks stand at the entrance of our apartments so Mat and I might light some off when we get off work that night. i gotta make the most of things or i am just going to be depressed!

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