Stole this from a a blog i follow whom of which i also follow on twitter... @exmi Blog:
Do you get regular massages? nope never have... really really really want to though
Do you have an answering machine? no i have a voice mail linked to my cell phone
What cuss word do you use the most? fuck maybe... not really sure and i don't think i swear THAT much really
Are you underweight or overweight? very much overweight... i will always b overweight but right now i'm at the high end
Can you see your veins? uummm not really no
Soap? the kind that foams... too fun!
Fruit? oranges when they r good (when they r bad which happens most time they r really bad!) and uummmm strawberries!!
Kind of red meat? what ever... i love me some steak but a good hamburger is damn good too!
Fish? don't eat much fish
Candy bar? peanut butter cups or sour patch kids
Have You Ever…
Eaten a whole bag of potato chips? uummm yes... more often then i would like to admit
Eaten lobster? Nope.
Climbed a mountain? nope but it would b fun
Been skydiving? nope not a fan of that free falling feeling
Been water skiing? yeah never stood up.... i like tubing
Do You…
Wish you could change something about your life? that i wasn't so broke all the time (but that is something i need to handle)
Like your nose? i do... i real fathers mom (my grandmother) whom i've only met a handful of times once said that i have a perfect profile... that has always stuck with me!
Like salt and vinegar chips? yeah used to think they were gross and weird but one day i tried mats... they r yummy
Eat salsa? hellz yeah!!! i wanna make nachos now
Own a boat? nope but damn i would kill to have one... might buy a blow up 4 person boat this summer.. wanted one last summer but they were all sold out everywhere... damn heat wave!!
What Is…
A small thing that people let slide but that actually has dire consequences? i can't think of anything on my own so i am going to use the previous answer........"Not dealing with an argument as it arises. Putting it off until later, or pretending everything is fine, only results in an accumulation of anger and resentment. The Boyfriend and I try to (his doing, mostly) deal with things right then and there, even if it means a public argument."
Your most macho trait? being a lazy slob who doesn't shower all day and eats like it's going out of style... kinda gotta work on this!
The longest relationship you’ve ever had? the one i'm in currently... not sure exactly how long we have been together maybe goin on 6 yrs but only offically been exclusive for a little over 4 yrs
Your most embarrassing thoughts? usually my thoughts about myself... if people could hear those they might look at me twice
Your most shameful moment? oh i have a bunch of those... but whatever... i made it past them and am stronger b/c of it
Bath/Shower? shower but a good bath can b nice too
Markers/Crayons? Markers.
Pens/Pencils? Pens.... but i do enjoy using a pencil every now and then... brings me back!
Jelly/Cream Cheese? jelly... i am not a fan of plain cream cheese
Bagel/Toast? how about a toasted bagel? OMG YUM
My greatest weakness is... spending money
I wish I was…a bit thinnner
Three things I wouldn’t do for a million dollars are…kill someone, eat poo, alienate myself from my family
The oddest thing I’ve ever put in my mouth is…uummm this will go without answer b/c it is something a lot of people do but i'm not about to put it on my blog
Credit card you had? also the last one i had... also only made one purchase on it
Loan you got was for? school :-(
Paycheck was for how much? almost $500 for the week i think?
Time you had stitches? only time was in my foot when i cut it open climbing on a car and cutting it on the whipper blades
Time you went to the hospital for something? when i sprained my ankle... i hadn't been in so much pain (i dont' injure myself much)
List everything you ate in the last 24 hours? shit it has been a lot... corn dog, sun chips, craisins, dt dr pepper, hash brown hamburger helper, ice cream, blueberry strudel toast, more ice cream, more toast, Smirnoff twisted (3), left over hash brown hamburger helper with eggs
Last thing you used a credit card for? school
What was your job previous to the one you have now? auntie annes pretzels
Last thing you celebrated? new years... by sitting at home Last time you were at a sports bar? it's been a while (i am becoming such a home body ) i'm betting the last sports bar i was in was Bostons