Monday, March 11, 2013

Mommy Monday: Other mommy blogs

Hey guys, I'm back from an off week. I'm not sure what happened last week but I just didn't realize which day was which. I did post some short blogs to make up for those I missed but I'm back on track and ready to blog again!

I wanted to introduce you to a couple of blogs that I found a few years ago that I enjoy following. Now I am not hip on the Top 10 Mommy blogs nor am I in the cool circle of mommy bloggers. I randomly found these blogs and I enjoy seeing their adventures of becoming mommies and I like seeing their decorating ideas and stuff too.

First blog I found probably 4 years ago is The Glamorous Life of a Housewife. This mommy blogger, Whitney, blogs about her doctor husband "Husby" and her two adorable son's Levi and Ezra.  Now I don't relate to a lot of what she blogs about but I respect her closeness to her family. I love how she makes everything special, you should see what she did for her two sons for Valentine's Day. Now I can't afford to go all out like she does but my family knows I love to go above and beyond to make things special. I hope that I can do that for Sloane as she grows up.

Second blog I want to mention is Tales of the Trees. This mommy blogger is named Megan and she blogs about her husband Luke and their son Eli. This is a blog I relate to a little bit more. They have some struggles and she is a bit awkward. The way she rights is with such humor that I frequently find myself laughing out loud to her blog posts.

It's funny because my lifestyle is a far cry from theirs. Mat and I aren't married, we BOTH work 40 hours a week in retail and we live a simple life in a little apartment in Bothell, Wa. We don't attend church or really have religious beliefs in our home but I still we have a strong family bond that makes me able to relate to their blogs.

I kinda hope that my blog will reach people that maybe aren't those typical mommy blogger family but still want to read about family and love.

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