It's also been very hard to find time to go to the gym, where I have someone who can watch Sloane. I have been to the gym a few times and each time I go I just feel amazing. I made myself a deal that the days I get off work at 10pm I would go to the gym after. Of course the next week my work decided that they want me to close more often, so I've gone to 4 days of getting off at 10pm to maybe one or two and the rest I get off at midnight!
Now I'm trying not to let this disrupt my motivation but it is amazing how many road blocks I have in my way! I would love to look into getting a jogging stroller so that I could just jog outside with Sloane but right now that just isn't in the budget, plus it is hard when it rains so much here.
I have however signed up for my first 5K after giving birth. It is The Color Run, May 12th in Seattle. It isn't a 5K that you would necessarily use to improve your 5K time, but I think that is perfect for my first time back! I've done a few 5K's in the year before getting pregnant and I absolutely love them! They give me great motivation while working out, a goal to work towards is a nice thing to have.
Now I just need to figure out some way to get my ass into the gym more often, and hopefully this weight will start coming off. I also need to be in shape for once Sloane starts walking cause we know I'll be chasing her around everywhere, and a fat mommy is an exhausted mommy! Plus, I really want to take advantage of the extra calories I burn while breast feeding!
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