Sunday, November 30, 2008

Week 5 Weigh In

Well as a i was saying i was super super super worried about this week! i did all i could at the beginning of the week to lose weight... walking and counting every single bit i had. Then came Thanksgiving... dun dun dun... i didn't eat anything before dinner b/c i was working and then at dinner i took just a little bit of everything and cleaned my plate. then we headed over to dinner number 2 where i filled up my already bursting belly with mac and cheese! then we went shopping all night and i didn't eat anything but four MC nuggets (4 pts total). slept most of the day and didn't eat too much during the day till dinner where we had left overs! i reheated prime rib and mac and cheese from mats mom. while reheating though i munched on left over ham and stuffing and turkey from my moms house! Then yesterday i had my birthday plans with Kate so i didn't eat anything but toast till i went to her house but dinner was cheese ravioli and bread sticks (i had 4!!) with my low fat spinach dip i made which was pretty good but we ate a lot of it just the two of us and when you eat alot of something low fat it kinda doesn't become low fat anymore lol! then for desert we had cupcakes (cake was low fat but the frosting wasn't) and ice cream... luckily the ice cream we choose was low fat and i only gave a little scoop with our cupcakes! i wasn't going to eat anything when i got home but i ended up eating a skinny cow ice cream sandwich and some popcorn... i didn't keep track of point those three days but i was proud i didn't go totally over board!
anyway the weigh in.... DRUM ROLL~ i lost 1.5 lbs! i am so so so happy with this! i was just hoping not to gain but to lose is really great... i really owe it all to my walks. i swear they make all the difference! they are so easy i have developed a lop that i walk through the neighbor hood behind my apartments and it take my zune and just get going.. pretty relaxing really.
Today i am back on track and keeping points. I started the day off with an hour long walk... i walked my loops twice. I woke up and kept debating on if i wanted to go b/c i just enjoyed being lazy and sitting around my house but i was sitting on my computer and the new episode of Five Hundy was up and i figured what was better sitting at home on the computer listening to them report on their trip to Vegas or taking a walk while listening. So i took an hour long walk that lasted most of their pod cast and the time just flew by because all i was thinking about was my love of Vegas and all the things i wanted to do on our next trip!
So this week i have big hopes for and i really want to keep up my walks so i vow to at least go on one more walk! i work 11-8 three days this week so those days i won't be able to... i would never get up early enough and i don't really want to walk when it is dark! wish me luck!

Week 1: -4 lbs
Week 2: -4.5lbs
Week 3: -1.5lbs
Week 4: -1lb
week 5: -1.5lbs
Total: -12.5 lbs

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